Monday, August 24, 2009

What men could have done if they didnt marry...

We, the human race, have come so far from the prehistoric cave men to the present day society with arts, science, politics, astronomy, religion etc etc.. but come to think of it, so much of it that we attribute to the entire human race, has been achieved only by a handful of individuals, the Einsteins, the Aryabhattas, the Platos etc etc... guess what have the rest been doing?... the rest got married.. :)

What could have been, had men never got married? Just think about the possibilities.... so many learned men, with loads of creativity, quest for knowledge, will to change the world, eager to risk everything, and the strength to pull a train, have been sacrificed at the altar of this social institution named "Marriage"... suddenly, the same man becomes a Husband, spends the rest of his life trapped in the trivial musings of a "Family"...

I am not suggesting that all revolutionaries, thinkers, inventors were all single men.. many were not... and neither am I against love or sex... but the whole concept of getting married to someone is such a killer, that I am sure we would have had many more Einsteins and Alexanders in this world, had men never got married...

Ah! but men would be animals had they never got married... :P


AmitKasliwal said...

What's all this? Is this your new excuse for not doing the things that you never did?

Isha Ganeriwal said...
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Isha Ganeriwal said...

Ahem..Nicely Scribbled and for sure thought abt a lot..
Bt seems U forgot one basic fact - 'Behind every successful men..There is a women' :P

Sumit Chugh said...

Well...einstein and alexander had married....not sure it this theory has the facts right

Pushpesh said...

what do u wanna say now after being married

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Few months in to your marriage and writing such stuff. Might seem guts but I think you are just living up to your nick name :)