Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lessons from the resurgence of the Congress Party in Indian Politics and the fall of BJP

Towards the end of 2003, the demise of Congress Party seemed inevitable, and the new bloc in power, BJP, seemed confident, probably overconfident, of its dominance on the Indian political scene for the time to come. Congress leaders, whatever were left of them, had pinned all hopes of survival in the hands of the last known figure of the Nehru-Gandhi 'Parivar', Sonia Gandhi, who till that time had no experience with Indian Politics, Indian Culture, Language, or anything Indian for that matter; her only credential being her marriage to Rajiv Gandhi, the last scion of the Nehru-Gandhi parivar, and a former Prime Minister of India. Today, it seems more distant in the past than the Indian Independence day, and Congress has returned back to dominate the Indian Politics, with BJP clearly losing its grip. As I look back to 2003 and the events thereafter, as a management student I see invaluable lessions in leadership, management, organizational behavior, Indian politics, branding and strategy. I would end this post here, and will share more thoughts on this later.... but hope its food for thought...

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